Terceiros molares
Cefalometria (ppt)
Classificação das maloclusões
Classificação dos niveis de radiação
Análise da dentição mista
Máscara Facial
Tratamento precoce das fendas palatinas
O aparelho Hycon
Which the immediate cares with the young childrens that suffered an accident and look for an orthodontist? You would ask me this case is for pedodontics!
Really, when there is one near us. If does not have none we would have to guide the parents about complications resulting from the injury and that the little patient need to be observed and examined by specialist maybe for endodontic treatment or splint. Plus one it asks that it appears: Which are the further complications for this young patient if he needs an orthodontic treatment?
I will add link for this book, as soon as some commentaries will be posted here or by request.
English versionThe lingual orthodontics also is known as invisible orthodontics, comes to each day having its importance in the orthodontist's armory that searchs to carry through the desire of its patients.Important condition is the knowledge of the technique and the election of the patient and case. This book from Giussepe Scuzzo comes to assist who practises lingual orthodontics or only for increase knowledge.
A ideia desse blog veio depois de visitar varios blogs e Hp e verificar que muito pouco coisa sobre ortodontia era divulgada de forma gratuita na net. Aconselharia aos colegas que tem pouca familiaridade com o computador que tentem e pesquisem um pouco mais para poderem usufruir ao máximo o que for aqui for disponibilizado.
Podem deixar comments.Não tenho tanto tempo de ficar postando, mas vou tentar mandar alguma coisa sempre que possível.
Mas na verdade no ORTHOFREE BLOG, vai ser divulgado muita coisa de ortodontia,que praticamente terá de ser mais direcionado para o profissional e estudante de ortodontia, este terá acesso direto a informações na área ortodôntica. Principalmente aqueles que estão imersos na conclusão de cursos de pós-graduação em que toda fonte de pesquisa é bem vinda.
Se algum(a) colega bondoso(a) quiser ajudar enviando sugestões ou links , será muito bem vindo(a)! Por favor comentem. Não ganho nada com isso, pelo menos até agora.
O objetivo principal é divulgar conhecimento e ouvir outras opiniões. Se você gosta de estudar e pesquisar ortodontia então gostará do ORTHOFREE BLOG .
The idea of this blog came after visiting several blogs and home pages and verifying that much little thing on orthodontics was divulged of gratuitous form in net.It would advise to the colleagues whom little familiarity with the computer has that they try and they search a little more to be able to usufruct to the maximum what it will be posted. They can leave comments. I do not have as much time to post, but I go to try to order some possible things whenever i find free time.
In fact, the ORTHOFREE BLOG goes to be divulged much thing of orthodontics, that will practically have of more being directed for the professional and orthodontics students, they will have direct access the information in the orthodontic area.If some kind colleague want to help me sending suggestions or links, will be very welcome ! Please send comments. Not profit with this, at least so far.The main objective is to divulge knowledge and to hear other opinions. If you like to study and research in orthodontics then will like ORTHOFREE BLOG.
Quem é esse caçador da foto? Uma dica: ele tinha 30 anos e gostava de caçar pelas matas de Minessota, USA. Não sabem que é?
Who is this hunter of the photo? A tip: he had had 30 years and liked to hunt for the bushes of Minessota, USA.
O livro do Dr Bishara, gosto muito deste livro texto ,é prático atual e didático. Para os iniciantes na orto é indispensável.
Existe a versão em português deste livro, traduzida pela Dra Maria de Lourdes Gianini e revisão científica do Dr Omar Gabriel.Comprem pela Editora Santos.
EnglishThe ORTHOFREE BLOG does not store archives in its pages, only link them.
Generally they are stored by third in some international servers. Therefore, to learn how to download archives in these servers please read our tutorial in this blog.
We do not emphasize any way the break of copyright The links redirects you for download sites so that you test and later acquires the product, if it will be the case. Much of what it is offered here already became of public domain.
But, we ask for if somebody to feel itself wronged, contact us and immediately we will remove, if evidenced to be illegal what it will be mentioned, but many other pages go to continue to show it.
A very important thing too, is that each post is composed of a commentary canal, uses them it will.
Dont leave to participate, after all your participation is our bigger incentive to continue post, the more blog will be receiving visits from you, the more we go placing unknown and interesting new features, subjects in the orthodontics area. We accept suggestions and collaborators. Please comment, its important to get feedback.