sexta-feira, 14 de março de 2008


Para quem se interessa por este ramo da odontologia .Sempre aparecem concursos nesta área, para estudantes, patologistas e para quem pratica a odontologia forense, já para quem já atua serve como fonte de consulta.

An excellent review text on FD. Covers all aspects of dental forensics as to theory and technique....A must for forensic dentists.
-Journal of the American Association of Forensic Dentists
This is a highly useful tool for students of forensic odontology. It could be required reading for dental students in schools where this subject is taught...
-Doody's Pages
The contents of the textbook are completely up-to-date…It can be recommended for students, forensic pathologists as well as dentists interested in forensic sciences.
--Heidi Pfeiffer, International Journal of Legal Medicine, Vol. 112, No. 6

Book Description Considered a modern classic and an indispensable reference, Forensic Dentistry illustrates the proper handling, evaluation, and presentation of dental evidence. This bestseller provides a handbook for legal and police professionals, covering standard examination practices that includes identification of the sex, age, and race of unknown individuals. Also serving as an overview of the field, the text is enhanced with four pages of full-color photographs and historic cases illustrating the importance of dental evidence. It covers in great detail forensic examinations for rape, murder, and child abuse cases, as well as mass disaster investigation, and bite-mark examination. Marketing Class Code: 1U34

Product Details Hardcover: 320 pages
Publisher: CRC (May 14, 1997)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0849381037ISBN-13: 978-0849381034
(27086 KB).

Um comentário:

blogdoveio disse...

Olá amigo, nosso blog comenta sobre as ações regionais do projeto Dentista do Bem, que leva tratamento odontológico gratuito à crianças carentes, oferecendo todo o tipo de tratamento odontollógico. Aguardo a sua visita!